2012 Judge Dredd Badge DIY – Budget


Taking our Judge Dredd Badge BUDGET [DIY] to the Next Level:
This is a Tutorial for painting our Basic [DIY] Badge range of products.

Straight out of the Mould.
To keep costs down we leave it ‘as-is’ from the Mould, but …tutorial-03-00

We Trim it before sending it on to you 🙂
There may be small air Bubbles or Imperfections .. all part of the following Fun!tutorial-03-01

Judge Dredd Badge

Judge Dredd Badge

Firstly; give it a light sanding, then a coat of UnderCoat…
… and let that UnderCoat harden for a few hours too!
Light sand, inspect, another coat of UnderCoat.
Light sand again.v

Fill any remaining small imperfections with Car Body Filler.
Let it harden for a few hours.
Then Trim with a Sharp Knife or Scalpel Blade and also use some Sand Paper again.tutorial-03-04

Judge Dredd Badge

Judge Dredd Badge

Another UnderCoat, sand very lightly.

Judge Dredd Badge

Judge Dredd Badge

I’ve used a coat of Hammerite Gold here … it’s what I had to-hand #budgets.

Dry brushed with Dwarf Bronze from Games Workshop (or anything similar, mix your own?).
Wait for it to almost dry, rub off with a paper towel.

Do the Dwarf Bronze dry coat it again, rub off in the other direction.tutorial-03-07a
Let it all dry hard.

A wet wash here of Matte Black Acrylic.
Wait for it to almost dry, rub off with a paper towel

Wait for it to almost dry, rub off with a paper towel
Repeat, until happy.
Let it all dry.

Rub with a clean Rag… it’s quite durable now.

And here we have BEFORE and AFTER side by side.tutorial-03-10

In the Sunlight 🙂

Now go put it on your Car, Bike, Kit Box, Lunch Box …

Available in our IDM Imagineering Shop here:

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About IDM Imagineering

IDM is a unique studio bringing concepts from Gaming, TV, Film and Books into reality as creative Model Makers. We are based out of Leeds in the UK and our Creators have 35 years industry experience bringing ideas to life in mixed media; CAD/CGI, 3D Print, 3D Scanning, Casting, Fabrication, traditional Model-Making, Painting. We work for individuals, companies and world-leading brands. Here you will see a broad range of products, materials and solutions. We rise to every Challenge!

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